Thursday, January 01, 2015

To be.

I want to be a free bird;
Fly across distances.
I want to be able to breathe in
The cold fresh air,
And then close my eyes to
Feel it brush past my face.
I want to  free fall...
Get lost in the blue vastness.
Like I have nothing to care about;
No worries to clench me.
I want to cease the moment,
And feel the void.
The feeling of not being happy or sad,
But the feeling to be...
I want to stay there for as long as it takes
To achieve eternal bliss.
To realise my existence and bask in my own presence.
Like there is no entity so pure, so free..
Or more satisfied than me!


  1. Try sky diving :D
    And keep updating us with your poems. Good work!

  2. It is there on my bucket list...that is how I was inspired to write this poem! :P
    I shall! :D
    Thank you! :)
